Resource Network

- Access to GOV WIN through secure log- in

- Access to High Performance Computing Assets

- Notice of Technology Needs Well in Advance of Procurements

- Access to Qualified SME’s for Contract and Proposal Work

- Mentoring in BD and Teaming Arrangements

- Active Participation in Special Events to Showcase capabilities

- Guidance in bidding SBIR’s, STTR’s and other DoD

-Access to High Performance Computing via XSEDE a national network of supercomputers

- Funded opportunities

- Hosted one-day Dakota Defense Alliance Fly-IN  with National University.

- Collaborated with other Regional Clusters (e.g. Huntsville, Michigan, Hampton Roads, & Hawaii

- Formed a consortium in Response to RFI from SPAWAR for Autonomous/Unmanned Systems      (82 companies)

- Supported Raytheon on a Small Business Pilot Teaming Program

- Assisted New Mexico EDC on Bidding a Grant for Manned/Unmanned Multi-Purpose Vehicle for a Variety of Military and - Civilian Purposes (won Grant)

SWIC Framework

Identify and mentor innovative companies to develop solutions for complex problems

Seeking access to infrastructure to pursue development of innovative solutions

Provide a platform to prove innovative solutions and develop opportunities to the next level.

Provide the mechanism for collaboration and the follow on infrastructure for education, training, extended resources.

Current Projects

Assessing & Bidding on Assorted SBIR/STTR, BAA & OEA opportunities

- SWIC has become an active member of the Miss. State U’s Alliance for the System Safety of UAS Through Research Excellence (ASSURE) team to bid on the FAA’s Center Excellence for R&D of UAS in NAS (Won)


- Signed a MOC with the NPAUAST for Integration of UAS Technologies into their Various FAA Certified Test Areas and currently reviewing collaborative opportunities


-  Supporting the New Mexico SBA RIC in Development and Testing of UxV’s for Commercial and Military Applications

Past Projects

SWIC provides resources to Non Traditional Innovative Companies to work alongside Traditional Companies serving the US military ecosystem for the advancement of all participants.


These resources include systems, identification of funding sources, support in pursuing funding sources, as well as access to technical and expert support.